Commonsense Wedding Planning

Planning a wedding can be quite a stressful task, but it doesn't always have to be. If you do all the planning with enough time in advance, and are aware of how to prepare, then your wedding will be a lot easier than you think to coordinate.

Look for some good resources, ask people who have wedding experience and/or search for reputable information sources on the internet to find helpful information. Just a little shove in the right direction can result gained knowledge that will eventually save you a lot of hassle and money.

Some wedding planning tips and ideas:

Hair Styling: For both the bride and the groom, it is never a good idea to get your hair drastically changed (perm or colored) too soon before the wedding. To be on the safe side, give yourself at least a few weeks before the big day. That way, if anything doesn't turn out quite as you imagined, it will have time to be properly corrected.

Don't Overdue Appetizers: If you're on a tight budget and would like to save a little money, be sure not to go overboard on the appetizers. The main course and wedding cake will usually be more than enough to keep your guests full and happy. In some cases it may be a good idea to abandon the appetizers altogether.

Good Directions: Some wedding churches are difficult to find, especially if you're new to the area. In order to get everyone to the wedding on time, include a detailed map of the ceremony location. If you want to go all out, you can even send mapquest directions from each guests' home address.

The Getaway Car: Don't forget about the importance of decorating the bride and groom's getaway car. Use decorations that are safe and never use something that can damage the car. Remember to plan well in advance and prepare the car well in advance to the wedding's ending.

Bridal Shower: When selecting your bridal party, choose friendship over perfection. If your maid of honor is your closest friend but on a tight budget, then your bridal shower may be smaller than you would like, but it will not lack warmth and camaraderie. Likewise, no one will remember that the bridesmaid was taller than her partner usher; however, a friend will remember that you passed her over because of her height. Friendships are for life, showers and weddings are over in a matter of hours.

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If your wedding planning seems like too much to handle, you can always hire a professional. Wedding planners can be quite expensive but it some cases it is well worth it. If a wedding planner is doable within budget, then there isn't much reason not to go that route.